Practitioners of evidence-based care

High quality health care implies practice that is consistent with the best evidence. An intuitively appealing way to achieve such evidence-based practice is to train clinicians who can independently find, appraise, and apply the best evidence (whom we call evidence-based practitioners). Indeed, we ourselves have advocated this approach. Now, however, we want to highlight the limitations of this strategy and suggest two complementary alternatives.

The skills needed to provide an evidence-based solution to a clinical dilemma include defining the problem; constructing and conducting an efficient search to locate the best evidence; critically appraising the evidence; and considering that evidence, and its implications, in the context of patients’ circumstances and values. Attaining these skills requires intensive study and frequent, time consuming, application.

The JCCP Practitioner Register has been established to enable practitioners delivering the aesthetic treatments set out in the CPSA Framework of Standards and Competences to be accredited.

The JCCP Practitioner Register is voluntary and remains subject to consideration for approval by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) who oversee public registers in the health care sector.